Where the frontiers of technology and the practicalities of healthcare merge


Do more than meet leaders

Find your common purpose. Socialise over the latest trends, discuss big insights and take home solutions designed to solve health’s biggest challenges.

Explore 100+ exhibitors and initiatives

Cut through the buzzwords and gain practical insights from experts across hot-topic education sessions, including climate resilience, AI and machine learning, workforce shortages, and health equity.

See practical demos of disruptive tech

Do more than learn, explore. Interoperability to EU projects, we have defining experiences and best practices sharing designed to amp up your knowledge.

Early Bird + Membership = Big Savings
Bundled promotion: Choose a complimentary HIMSS individual International membership during checkout and save with HIMSS Member Early Bird rates today. Available to those based outside of North America and subject to certain eligibility requirements.

An all-inclusive conference pass

  • Get access to all conference programming over 3 days, including pre-conference workshops*
  • Enjoy the exhibit hall where you can explore the latest tech and meet the innovators
  • Organise and explore in the HIMSS25 Europe event app and matchmaking programme
  • Network & socialise at both the Welcome and the Exhibition receptions

*Select hosted workshops may be by invitation only with a separate registration, but these will be clearly marked on the programme.



Please note that 10% VAT will be added to the below rates.

  Early Bird
until 19 March
Advance Rate
until 15 May
Standard/Onsite Rate

Healthcare Employees

Employees of government agencies, hospitals, medical centres, academic institutions and non-for-profit associations.

HIMSS Members € 599 € 699 € 799
Non-Member € 699 € 799 € 899

Tech Leaders

Individuals from vendor companies who are not sponsoring the event, solution providers and consultants.

HIMSS Members € 1,529 € 1,849 € 2,149
Non-Member € 1,679 € 1,999 € 2,299

Considered sponsorship instead? Get the details


Individuals from companies that have raised less than $5M in venture funding, are pre-revenue or have less than 3 years in operation. HIMSS reserves the right to evaluate each request on an individual basis.

HIMSS Members and Non-Members € 449 € 559 € 699

We have sponsor opportunities just for startups Get the details

Request a Student Discount Code

Available to university full-time students. Please send a copy of your student card to reg@himss.org in order to receive your discount code.

One pass € 150    

Request a Press Pass

Registration is complimentary for professional journalists, with a view to provide press coverage of the conference. To get your press pass and/or arrange interviews ahead of the conference, please contact press@himss.org.

Terms & Conditions apply

Show your leadership team the value of attending
Every bit of learning pays off, and we’ll help you show it. Use this letter template to share why attending HIMSS25 Europe in Paris is a smart investment for your organisation.

About the venue


Palais des Congrès de Paris, 2 Pl de la Pte Maillot, 75017 Paris, France

Getting to the Venue

It takes approximately 40 minutes via vehicle to reach the venue from Paris Charles de Gaulle Airport (31km)

Accessibility at the Venue

Find more information regarding the venue here

Hotel Reservations

To secure the best room rates, book your prime conference accommodations well in advance and gain the peace of mind of having your lodging arrangements settled.

Contact us

For any questions about registration or general information inquiries,  please email reg@himss.org.